
In countless sadomasochistic tales and mythologies, we hear of rings on the labia being used to ensure the woman’s chastity. Today there are special locks which can be inserted directly into the piercing canal in order to “lock up” the woman wearing it.
Just like the earlobes, the inner labia can also be stretched. The skin of the labia is well suited to this and can be readily enlarged.
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Prontolind Piercing Pflegeset:
Um den Heilungsprozess optimal zu unterstützen empfehlen wir äussere Piercings in den ersten 3 Wochen zweimal täglich mit ProntoLind-Spray zu reinigen und danach mit ProntoLind-Gel zu bestreichen.

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und Piercer
Über 40.000 qualitativ hochwertige Piercings und Werkzeuge zur Auswahl.