A lost labret piercing or barbell

1. A lost barbell or banana barbell:
If you’ve lost the entire bar or barbell, you will have to react quickly, since a piercing with no jewelry in the canal is a ticking time bomb.
In this case do the following:
- Immediately insert a bar into the canal (piercing hole), because it cannot be allowed to go without a piercing for too long.
- If you don’t have a replacement piercing, simply use an earring, which is better than nothing.
- Since you will have to get a replacement inserted as soon as possible, you should immediately go to a piercing studio, otherwise there is a danger that the canal will close up.
- If you use an earring as a replacement, be aware that the canal will have to be subsequently stretched, because it will have closed up slightly in the meantime. This is not a problem and is easily done, but it will cost you extra money since we only stretch in a sterilized manner.
2. Lost labret:
A lost labret (bar):
If you’ve lost the entire bar or barbell, you will have to react quickly, since a piercing with no jewelry in the canal is a ticking time bomb.
In this case do the following:
- Immediately insert a bar into the canal (piercing hole), because it cannot be allowed to go without a piercing for too long.
- If you don’t have a replacement piercing, simply use an earring, which is better than nothing.
- Since you will have to get a replacement inserted as soon as possible, you should immediately go to a piercing studio, otherwise there is a danger that the canal will close up.
- If you use an earring as a replacement, be aware that the canal will have to be subsequently stretched, because it will have closed up slightly in the meantime. This is not pose a problem and is easily done, but it will cost you extra money since we only stretch in a sterilized manner.
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