By an amateur

Piercing by an amateur
Time and time again I’ve had to hear customers tell me that they had their piercings done by someone incompetent and had to pay dearly for it, that is, with their health.
That is why I wish to say a few words on this issue. Please take the time to read about the 6 usual types of incompetent piercing, and let me know if I’ve left anything out.
- Those without a trading license who pierce “privately” for money
- Those who don’t have a trading license, who have been trained as piercers and offer “model” work
- Those with a trading license: The “black sheep” of the industry who have a studio and a license but who only adhere partially to the legal regulations.
- Those who want to try their hand at using a needle—usually a friend who claims to have learned how to do it on YouTube, thinking it’s a simple procedure and going on to do it on a friend.
- Those who borrow someone else’s license.
- The doctor’s ruse—a doctor is no piercer.
Whatever your situation, I would urge you to use common sense and forgo a piercing until you are old enough, or can convince your parents to pay for a professional job. Or save up for a month and pay for it yourself. Under no circumstances should you go to an amateur, however. The risks are simply too great.
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