After a piercing has been performed, each customer is given an individual healing manual. The following tips serve as a general guideline.
Our recommendations:
Here you will find our recommendations for a smooth and timely healing process of your piercing or implant.
We recommend the use of the indicated medicines, none of which requires a prescription, but can only be found in a pharmacy.
We are not liable for the use or application of these medicines; consult your doctor or pharmacist for any side effects or risks involved.
We simply recommend what has proved effective over the years and what our customers have told us works. Ultimately there are many options to choose from, and the healing of a piercing is up to the individual to determine. One customer may not tolerate a certain medication, while another may have no problems with it. Some may prefer Chlorhexidine over Tantum Verde, etc.
At the end of the day, the customer himself must decide how he wishes to approach the healing phase. We are simply here to help, and are open to feedback and welcome new information regarding the healing process.
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