Pubic-Piercing for Women

This is a surface piercing using a surface barbell which runs horizontally or slightly at a slant above the clitoral hood and through the edge of the pubic bone.
The piercing can also run vertically through the pubic bone and is then referred to as a Christina Piercing.

Strictly speaking the pubic piercing is not really a genital piercing, since it provides no stimulation for the wearer. And it is not possible for every woman since it largely depends on the individual anatomy.
Piercing procedure:
The piercing is executed horizontally or slightly slanted through the pubic bone.
A banana bar or a surface bar with a thickness of 1.6mm is suitable for this kind of piercing. We often recommend jewelry using the flexible PTFE material. Basically the pubic piercing is a surface piercing and should be done at the appropriate depth. The perforation length will vary from one customer to another, as will the material chosen.
This piercing should take 3 to 4 months to heal. Being a surface piercing, there is always a risk of complications. Due to the placement of the piercing, it is exposed to a lot of movement and friction. If the Christina Piercing is not executed deeply enough, it may grow out. Even if the woman has a lot of connective tissue in the pubic mound, there is still a high risk of it growing out.
The piercing should not be removed, even when shaving in this area; when it has healed completely then it can be taken out before shaving.
We always advise our customers to carefully consider their decision to go through with a pubic piercing, and to opt for a clitoral hood piercing instead, since the latter only offers benefits. Alternatively, the customer can also have a dermal anchor performed in the pubic bone, if she wishes to adorn that particular area.
Those who don’t really want a pubic piercing should consider a clitoral hood piercing or a dermal anchor instead.
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