Scoop Piercing

This is a piercing done on the surface of the tongue, across or lengthwise along the tongue.
This is a piercing done on the surface of the tongue, across or lengthwise along the tongue.
The term scoop piercing is often used for this specific type of horizontal surface piercing of the tongue. It is not performed vertical trough the tongue like a normal tongue piercing or horizontally like a snake eyes piercing. This one is in the tongue surface.

The Scoop or surface tongue piercing carries the same risk associated with other tongue piercing, but it has lightly higher risk of migration and rejection. This is not at all surprising considering that it has a more surface approach.
On the other hand, a tongue surface piercing has a relatively fast healing time within 14 days.
Healing and care:
A nose tip piercing can take between 21 days and 2 months to heal completely, rarely longer. Like other mucous membrane piercings, in the first three weeks it should be cleaned with ProntoLind spray twice a day, and then with a ProntoLind mouthwash.
It is important to wash your hands before touching the pierced area and the jewelry itself—the hands should be kept away from the mouth.
ProtoLind mouthspray tastes good and helps to freshen your breath. It is ideal for when you’re on the go and should be applied after every meal in order to disinfect and cleanse the piercing area.
Disinfectant solutions containing alcohol or chlorine should be avoided. Mouthwashes are no substitute for proper care and should therefore be avoided.
The right nutrition is vital for oral piercings, and you will find detailed information on this topic in the care and maintenance section.

This form of piercing uses so-called barbells, which are straight rods. Depending on the thickness of the tongue, the individual can wear a range of barbells (12-22mm).
Keep in mind:
The piercer must be careful not to damage the tongue frenulum which connects the tongue with the lower jaw. S/He must also make sure that the placement of the piercing does not damage the teeth (following two tongue piercings in close succession). Whereas a piercing in the middle of the tongue runs between the tongue muscles, an off-center piercing goes directly through one of the muscles. That is why this kind of piercing should only be done by a professional with experience.
There is no risk of a loss of taste, because the taste buds lie laterally on either side of the tongue, whereas a tongue piercing is generally executed in the middle, between the two tongue muscles.
This is a piercing done on the surface of the tongue, across or lengthwise along the tongue.
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