Dermal anchor on the eyes

The dermal anchor continues to be popular, and because so many customers want it done around their eyes, we decided to dedicate a section to it.
The dermal anchor continues to be popular, and because so many customers want it done around their eyes, we decided to dedicate a section to it.
A dermal anchor can be placed just about anywhere, and this includes the area around the eye.

Therefore, we encourage you to be creative.
Healing and care:
A dermal anchor can take between 3 and 8 months to heal completely, rarely longer. Like other external piercings, in the first three weeks it should be cleaned with ProntoLind spray twice a day, and then coated with ProntoLind gel.

A combination of a labret on the chin, a Madonna piercing, and a dermal anchor under the eyelid.
It is important to wash your hands before touching the pierced area and the jewelry itself. Disinfectant solutions containing alcohol or chlorine should be avoided.

The dermal anchor continues to be popular, and because so many customers want it done around their eyes, we decided to dedicate a section to it.
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