Various piercing configurations for the genital area

Other options include the Magic Cross, a combination of the vertical clitoral hood piercing and the horizontal clitoral hood piercing, as well as the Diana Piercing, a double vertical clitoral hood piercing.
There are also combinations available which have no specific names.

People rarely stop at one genital piercing. They go on to a second one, and maybe then decide to stretch their genital piercing—and on it goes.
Ultimately you end up with a work of art that has no particular name but is unique and has a special meaning for the person wearing it. After all, every piercing has its own history.
The more piercings you get done in a short span of time, the longer the healing phase will be. That is why we advise you to get no more than 2 – 4 piercings at a time and give them sufficient time to heal before continuing.
You will find the healing times for each specific piercing outlined above.

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